This is just a mix or what remains from almost my hundred blogs and pages made between 2004-2011 . From photoshop work , logo , banner , CS , working games , video montage , photography , actionscript , LG phone menus and themes or simple apk's to translations , drawings , music creation , YT videos and not finished last project OctopusVR glasses 2014 .


ebooki 2010 - 2013

Artur Conan-Doyle - Pies Baskerville'ów

Albert Camus - Obcy

Bukowski Charles - Faktotum

Gorący diabeł
W nocy gdy miałem umrzeć

Jerzy Kosiński - Malowany ptak


William Wharton - Rubio

Spóźnieni kochankowie
Franky Furbo
Nie ustawaj w biegu
Nigdy, nigdy mnie nie złapiecie
Historie rodzinne

Molier - Skąpiec


Marquez Gabriel Garcia - Sto lat samotności

Rzecz o mych smutnych dziwkach
Oczy Niebieskiego Psa
Ostatnia podróż statku widma
Kronika zapowiedzianej śmierci
Miłość w czasach cholery

Woolf Virginia - Własny pokój

Suworow Wiktor - Kontrola

żołnierze Wolnosci
Złoty Eszelon

Jack London - Meksykanin

Małżonka Króla
Mistrz Tajemnicy
Martin Eden

Khaled Hosseini - Chłopiec z latawcem

Aldous Huxley - Nowy wspaniały świat

Lawrence David - Kochanek lady Chatterley

Aleksander Dumas - Dama kameliowa

Chrabia Monte Cristo

Orwell George - Rok 1984

Wilde Oscar - Slowik i roza

Portret Doriana Graya
The Selfish Giant - Olbrzym samolub
Upior z Canterville
Rybak i jego dusza

George R. R. Martin - Pieśń Lodu I Ognia

Leopold Tyrmand - Zły

Daniken Erich Von - Dzien W Ktorym Przybyli Bogowie

Kosmiczne Miasta W Epoce Kamiennej
Moj Swiat W Obrazach
W Krzyzowym Ogniu Pytan
Wspomnienia Z Przyszlosci
Wszyscy Jestesmy Dziecmi Bogow
Z Powrotem Do Gwiazd

Buzzati Dino - Pustynia Tatarów

William Golding - Władca much

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Mały Książe

Mario Vargas Llosa - Pochwała macochy

Herbert George Wells - Wojna światów

Wehikuł czasu
Historia świata (Tadzio Binek dał lepszy popis)

Gray John - Mężczyźni są z Marsa, kobiety z Wenus

Ray Bradbury - Kroniki Marsjańskie

Ernest Hemingway - komu bije dzwon
stary człowiek i morze

Stephen Hawking - Krotka historia czasu

Raymond Chandler - Żegnaj, laleczko

Alberto Moravia - Pogarda

King Stephen - Dallas '63

Czarny Lud
Gdzie mieszkają tygrysy
Truskawkowa wiosna
Człowiek, który kochał kwiaty

Joseph Bédier - Tristan i Izolda

Tomasz Mann - Czarodziejska góra

Llosa Mario Vargas - Pochwała macochy

Umberto Eco - Imię Róży

Twain Mark - Przygody Tomka Sawyera

Szekspir (Shakespeare) William - Król Lear

Kupiec wenecki

James Joyce - Ulisses

Nietzsche Fryderyk - Poza Dobrem I Zlem
O starych i nowych tablicach

Marcel Proust - W Poszukiwaniu Straconego Czasu

Steinbeck John - Grona gniewu

Dos Passos John - USA 01 - 42 rownoleznik

Joseph Bédier - Tristan i Izolda

Salinger Jerome Dawid - Buszujący w zbożu

Beckett Samuel - Czekajac na Godota

Francoise Sagan - Witaj, smutku

Franz Kafka - Proces

Salman Rushdie - Szatańskie wersety

Heller Joseph - Paragraf 22

Aleksander Sołżenicyn - ARCHIPELAG GUŁAG

Antoni Czechow - Trzy siostry

Goethe - Faust

Homer - Iliada

Emil Zola - Kaplica Sykstyńska

Aghata Christie - Zabójstwo Rogera Ackroyda

WILLIAM FAULKNER - Wściekłość i wrzask (cichaj:)

Stanisław Lem - Bajki robotów

Czy jestesmy sami w kosmosie

Greg Marinovich and Joao Silva
The Bang-Bang Club

Dante Alighieri - Boska Komedia

Clarke Arthur C - 2001 Odyseja Kosmiczna

Opowiesci Z Dziesieciu Swiatow

Arystoteles - Etyka Wielka

Filozofia jako nauka o bycie

Aleksander Puszkin - Dubrowski

Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood ..............

Gide Andre - Fałszerze

Heller Joseph - Paragraf 22 ............

Fiedler Arkady - Dywizjon 303

Alfred Szklarski - Tomek na tropach Yeti

John Grisham - The Litigators ...........

Crichton Michael - Następny .........

Joseph Conrad - Lord Jim

 Zlota strzala .........

Zecharia Sitchin - Genesis Jeszcze Raz

William Faulkner - Wściekłość i wrzask

Jan van Helsing - Ręce precz od tej książki

Maclean Alistair - Tylko Dla Orlow

Michaił Bułakow - Mistrz i Malgorzata

Davies Norman - Bialy Orzel Czerwona Gwiazda

Fitzgerald F. Scott - Wielki Gatsby

Beckett Samuel - Czekajac na Godota

Milan Kundera - Nieznośna lekkość bytu

Tournier Michel - PIĘTASZEK czyli Otchłanie Pacyfiku

Robert Graves - Ja Klaudiusz

Francoise Sagan - Witaj, smutku

Bourdais Gildas - UFO, 50 tajemniczych lat

Zbrodnia i kara

Dziennik Anny Frank

Dostojewski Fiodor


Jean Giono - Huzar na dachu .......................................

Ray nelson - Eight o'clock in the morning

John Grisham - Czuwanie

Frances Hodgson Burnett - Mała księżniczka


OKRES 1815 - 1914r

OKRES 1914 - 1989r


wrzesień "dwatysiącedwunastegoroku"

Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre ..........................

Kamil Durczok
Wygrać życie ..............................

Leo Tolstoy
Anna Karenina ............................

Kownacka Maria ...
Kukuryku na ręczniku .........................

Maria Konopnicka ...
Na jagody ..........................

Chandler Raymond ...
Kobieta w jeziorze ....................................

Wiśniewski Janusz
Na fejsie z moim synem

Spowiedź Heretyka

Sławomir Hulanicki
Huna - tajemna wiedza Kahunów ...............................




Joseph Conrad
A Set of Six : I
Jadro Ciemnosci 50% : I

Ch.Bukowski ...
Kobiety (zaległość sprzed kilku miesięcy) 75%

Joe Simpson
Dotkniecie pustki ?% : I

Walter Isaacson
Biografia Steve'a Jobsa

OK. 1000 STRON ?


Martin George R. R

Nawałnica mieczy 1175 STRON !!!
Uczta dla wron 1036 STRON !!!
Taniec ze Smokami 1400 STRON !!!



Chandler Raymond - Woman on the lake 100kb (txt)
Woolf Virginia - My own room 120kb (txt)
Aleksander Dumas - camelia ... 127kb (txt)
Albert Camus - The Stranger 150kb (txt)

Nawałnica Uczta i Taniec to jak 30 książek o podobnej liczbie stron do powyższych tytułów


Adolf Hitler
Mein Kampf

Ken Follet
Filary Ziemi
Pillars of the Earth


Hosseini Khaled
Tysiąc wspaniałych słońc 50%

Agatha Christie
Dziesięciu murzynków

Forster E M
Pokoj z widokiem 25%

Woolf Virginia
Do latarni morskiej 30%

Heinlein Robert
Władcy Marionetek 40% : I

Honoriusz Balzak
Ojciec Goriot 25% : I

Dashiell Hammett
Sokół maltański 5/20 rozdz.

Kafka Franz

Opowiadania :

Kapuściński Ryszard
O Islamie
Chrystus z karabinem na ramieniu 104kb/292kb rtf
Nie ogarniam świata 171kb / 796kb

F. Nietzsche

Z genealogii moralności (rozprawka Nieczyste sumienie) .......

Antychrzescijanin  ...........

Leszek Kołakowski
O Bogu

Bertrand Russell
Dziesięć liberalnych przykazań
Dlaczego nie jestem chrześcijaninem
Bakunin i anarchizm  +

Marek Aureliusz

Tatarkiewicz Władysław
O szczęściu - 197 rozdz. : l .....

Lucjusz Anneusz Seneka

Evans Nicholas
Zaklinacz koni 63kb  .......

Patrick Süskind
Pachnidło 70kb  .........

Pilch Jerzy
Pod mocnym aniołem 339/136kb : I ......."WINNY BANKOMAT NA STARCIE ..."
Inne rozkosze 51/ 75  ....... "MOJA AKTUALNA KOBIETA"

Saramago Jose
Miasto Slepcow 1006/60kb  .......

Coelho Paulo

Piąta góra 331/131rtf  .......

Metafizyka zycia i smierci

Giovanni Boccaccio
Dekameron  5 opowieści

Albert Camus
Upadek 4/6

Eutydem  16 na 46 w 16 szczęście 1 mądrzy, czy też ci głupi

Kurt Vonnegut
Rzeźnia numer pięć 5 rozdz  ...."ZDARZA SIĘ"

Wielki głód. Tragiczne skutki polityki Mao 1958-1962 +

Wells Herbert George

Niewidzialny człowiek 6 rozdz....

Schopenhauer Artur
21 rozdz
25 rozdz
29 rozdz
31 rozdz
39 rozdz
dream as a death gate
ma compares (39 ?)
many similarities (to many)

Helen Adams Keller
The Story of My Life (1902)

Varga Krzysztof
Chłopaki nie płaczą

Joanna Chmielewska
Babski motyw (15.10.2013) end coco chanel ... crime story / woman eye

Wałęsa Danuta
Marzenia i tajemnice   ok full

Jack Higgins - Modlitwa za konających

Arti Traveler Kapuścinski Ryszard - Busz po polsku

Ken Follet Filary Ziemi

Roald Dahl - Matylda

 Coelho Paulo - Demon i panna Prym

Lysiak Waldemar łysiak fiction

Ken Kesey - Lot Nad Kukulczym Gniazdem

 Kapuściński Ryszard wojna futbolowa

Kapuściński Ryszard - Szachinszach

Jerzy Pilch - Spis cudzołożnic ..............

Pilch Jerzy - Pod mocnym aniolem

Kurt Vonnegut - Rzeźnia numer pięć


Evans Nicholas - Zaklinacz koni  (kolejne podejscie)

Chandler Raymond - Kobieta w jeziorze (again?)

Coelho Paulo - Alchemik ................

Schopenhauer - O podstawie moralności

Richard Dawkins - Samolubny gen

Stasiuk Andrzej - Mury Hebronu

Ryszard Kapuscinski - Imperium
Kapuściński Ryszard - Cesarz
Kapuścinski Ryszard - Busz po polsku
Kapuściński Ryszard - Chrystus z karabinem na ramieniu
Kapuściński Ryszard - Jeszcze dzień życia
Kapuściński Ryszard - Nie ogarniam świata
Kapuściński Ryszard - O Islamie
Kapuściński Ryszard - Szachinszach
Kapuściński Ryszard - Wojna futbolowa
Kapuściński Ryszard - Zaproszenie do Gruzji
Ryszard Kapuscinski - Imperium
Kapuściński Ryszard - Autoportret reportera

Suworow Wiktor - Ostatnia republika

Davies Norman - Bialy Orzel Czerwona Gwiazda     (kolejne podejscie)

Michael Crichton - Andromeda Znaczy Smierc

marzec 2014

1    Balzak Honoriusz : Proboszcz z Tours   ( 1 marzec : wynajem ....z intrygą)
2    bertrand russell  : kto to jest agnostyk  (again)
3    Nadżib Mahfuz - Hamida z zaułka Midakk
4  Hosseini Khaled - Tysiąc wspaniałych słońc  (again finish)
5  Coelho Paulo -     " O miłości ....."    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

------------------------------- "KLASZTOR-STORY 19"--------------------

1 . KAFKA                                             "Zamek"
2 . J.K.MIKKE                                        "Naprawić Polskę"
3 . TARJEJ VESAAS                            "Pałac lodowy"
4 . RYSZARD KAPUŚCIŃSKI            "Dałem głos ubogim"
5 . LESZEK BIAŁY                               "Dzieje inkwizycji"
6 . SOFOKLES                                    "Król Edyp"
7 . JOHN STEINBECK                        "Długa Dolina"
8 . ANDRZEJ STASIUK                      "Jadąc do Babadag"
9 . E.CHROMY                                     " Szachownice nad Berlinem"
10 . ANDRE NORTON                          "Handlarze czasu"
11 . C.W.CERAM                                   "Pierwszy Amerykanin"
12 . J.PILCH                                               "Najpiękniejsza kobieta świata"  (10xmiłość - short story) 
13 . JANUSZ WIŚNIEWSKI                   "Test"  (10xmiłość - short story) 
14 . TOMASZ ROŻEK                             "Nauka po prostu"
15 . ALEKSANDER PUSZKIN              "Eugeniusz Oniegin"
16 . ANTHONY EVELYN                         "Dom lalek"  (6.rozdz.)
17 . J.GRISHAM                                        "Klient"        (20%)
18 . antoine'a de saint-exupéry               "Ziemia, planeta ludzi"
19 . ......                                                      "Ukraina"

KWIECIEŃ 2014  /  MAJ 2014 :   (LAST UPDATE 10 . 06 . 2014


KIM YONG                              DŁUGA DROGA DO DOMU

ALBERT CAMUS                  GOŚĆ
Greene Graham                  - Trzeci człowiek       (NOT FINISH)
Suworow Wiktor                    - Nad Stalingradem
Głuchowski P. Kowalski M.         - Korea Północna.Ostatni Wielki Brat
Helprin Mark                         - Zimowa opowieść   (30%)


Clavell James                         - Król szczurów

seneka                                           o gniewie
stasiuk andrzej                               przez rzekę
kartezjusz                                      rozprawa o metodzie
arystoteles                                      o duszy



Nadżib Mahfuz          Opowieści starego Kairu    90%
Molier                         Mizantrop              100%
Stasio Lem                Kongres futorologiczny
Faulkner                    Absalomie Absalomie

Gogol                        Martwe dusze   100%
                                  Szynel                 100%    
                                  Straszna zemsta   100%
                                  Nos                        100%

Yasunari Kawabata       Głos góry  100%
Gustav Flaubert            Pani Bovary   100%
Carlos R. Zafon             Książe mgły   100%
Stasiuk                          Grochów
Diana Gabaldon            Obca
Aleksander Dumas        Karol Szalony
Vian Boris                       Piana złudzeń
William Faulkner            Azyl

Czechow Anton - Śmierć urzędnika  100%
Czechow Anton - Szczęśliwy
Czechow Anton - Syrena
Czechow Anton - Zemsta

Norwid Cyprian Kamil - Fortepian Chopina
Balzac Honoré de - Kobieta porzucona        80% ?

Dotknięcie pustki.   .....  2011 ?   
2012   ?  alps snow two man mov

Fiodor Dostojewski    Gracz         100%
S.King  - Rage   100%
Seneka - O gniewie  (again)  100%
Seneka - O opatrzności  100%

FRANCE ANATOL  -  Abeille   ZAZULA   42pages 100%

orwell    Ludzie jak bogowie    50%

Francis X. King     nostradamus WIELKA KSIĘGA PRZEPOWIEDNI  
  • Nostradamus: Prophecies Fulfilled and Predictions for the Millennium and Beyond by Francis X. King (1993) With Stephen Skinner
  • balzak  - ojciec griot     (1/3)
  • ?  - Rewizor ............ ?
  • Balzac Honoré de - Jaszczur   .........?
  • jaspers karl  -  Sokrates, Buddha, Konfuzius, Jesus
  • Stephan Raabe

2015 (55 / 65 books !!!!!!!!!)
rage s.king
małe kobietki
Molier Mizantrop
Stasio Lem Kongres futorologiczny
Faulkner Absalomie Absalomie
Gogol Martwe dusze !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yasunari Kawabata Głos góry
Gustav Flaubert Pani Bovary
Carlos R. Zafon Książe mgły !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stasiuk Grochów
Diana Gabaldon Obca !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aleksander Dumas Karol Szalony
Vian Boris Piana złudzeń
William Faulkner Azyl
HOLLYDAY 2015 AUCHAN Jubil./Ursyn... (ok. 30 books)
Diderot - Kubuś Fatalista i jego pan ????
Nadżib Mahfuz - Opowieści starego Kairu !!!!
Rewizor ????
Niezawinione śmierci !!!!!!!!!!!!
Zwycięzca jest sam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Piąta góra
jedenaście minut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Być jak płynąca rzeka ????
w drodze do badagag
Opowiesci o pilocie Pirxsie
Tęsknię za tobą (Hoben)
Gracz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Znalezione nie kradzione !!!!
weronika postanawia umrzeć !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brak tchu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pamiętniki Hadriana !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Epos o Gilgameszu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Opowieści Kantenbaryjskie ????
Les Compagnons de Jehu... !!!!!!
sex lives of dictators
pines blake crouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tekturowy samolot
I człowiek stworzył Bogów ????
Opowieść o dwóch miastach ????
Folwark zwierzęcy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nieznośna lekkość bytu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Na zachodzie bez zmian
Zapiski dyletanta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karl Jaspers: Politics and Metaphysics ????
The Nose !!!!!!!!!!!!
Opowieść o dwóch miastach ????
El fantasma de Canterville ????
idiota distojewski !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zbrodnia i kara !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blaszany bębenek ????
Myszy ludzie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Śniadanie u Tiffaniego !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2015  soon :

Fiodor Dostojewski - Bracia Karamazow  ..........10%
Zygmunt Freud - Wstęp do Psychoanalizy
Yacine Kateb - KOBIETA PIERWOTNA     
Diderot - Kubuś Fatalista i jego pan           15%
Gustaw Flaubert - Szkola uczuc
Simone de Beauvoir - Druga płeć

Molière (Molier) - Mieszczanin szlachcicem



powtórka .... ?

Woolf Virginia - Własny pokój
Suworow Wiktor - Lodołamacz

Leopold Tyrmand - Zły  (finish)
Raymond Chandler - Żegnaj, laleczko (finish)
Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood




Cesarzowa Orchidea (2016 st. 30) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kąkolewski Krzysztof - Jak umierają nieśmiertelni
Lessing Doris - Piąte dziecko
WIERNOŚĆ W STEREO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14.02.2016
mdłości j p sertre ?????? 15 02 2016
rodzinna histria lęku 26.03.16 (żydzi) pogrom kielecki , 1958
szklany klosz
sława i chwała 24.03.2016 (ukraińcy - iwaszkiewicz ur. na ukrainie od 1918 w warsaw)
świat według garpa 22.03.2016 (onanizator Emotikon smile
anna karenina !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 18.03.2016
krystyna córka loreasa
krótka historia prawie wszystkiego
buszujący w zbożu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kulturowe sprzeczności kapitalizmu
pod osłoną nieba
zapiski dyletanta
17 books to 1.IV.2016


najbliższy grafik

Where the Wild Things Are
King Stephen - Bastion
COBEN Harlan - Bez skrupułów

Dawkins Richard - Wspinaczka na szczyt nieprawdopodobienstwa
Bradbury Ray - 451 stopni Fahrenheita
Burnett Hodgson Frances - Tajemniczy ogród

Lysiak Waldemar - Lepszy
Miller Henry - Zwrotnik Raka

Pilch Jerzy - Tysiac spokojnych miast
Sołżenicyn Aleksander - Jeden dzień Iwana Denisowicza
Sołżenicyn Aleksander - Oddział chorych na raka
Einstein Albert - Dlaczego socjalizm
William Faulkner - Kiedy umieram (powtórka)

Kapuscinski Ryszard - Heban

Spyri Johanna - Heidi

Terry Pratchett - Zlodziej Czasu

Waldemar Lysiak - Kolebka
Wells Herbert George - Niewidzialny człowiek

Woolf Virginia - Pani Dalloway

Lukrecjusz - O naturze wszechrzeczy
Arystoteles - Etyka Wielka (dokończenie)
Platon - Ion
Platon - Menon
Platon - Obrona Sokratesa
Seneka Lucjusz Anneusz - O OPATRZNOŚCI

Kapuściński Ryszard - Zderzenie Cywilizacji
Russell B. - Problemy filozofii
Einstein Albert - Dlaczego socjalizm
Seneka Lucjusz Anneusz - O NIEZŁOMNOŚCI MĘDRCA
Arystoteles - Zachęta do filozofii

Coben Harlan - Krótka piłka

Platon - Uczta

Sofokles - krol edyp (at least ?)

Greene Graham - Moc i chwała



Hosseini Khaled              - Tysiąc wspaniałych słońc ,  
                                         Chłopiec z latawcem
Nadżib Mahfuz                - Hamida z zaułka Midakk
                                       - Opowieści starego Kairu 
SALAMAN RUSHDIE        - Szatańskie wersety
Yacine Kateb                - KOBIETA PIERWOTNA  


Haruki Murakami            - Norwegian Wood
Yasunari Kawabata      -  Głos góry


Fiodor Dostojewski
Czechow Anton
Michaił Bułakow 
Leo Tolstoy
Suworow Wiktor


Seneka Lucjusz Anneusz


F. Nietzsche
Bertrand Russell

pisarze : ebooki 1gb


100 najpopularniejszych książek świata

W 2002 roku pisarze z 54 krajów. przygotowali listę 100  najwybitniejszych dzieł - Biblioteka Świata  z różnorodnych krajów i epok.

001.Świat się rozpadaChinua Achebe1958Nigeria
002.BaśnieHans Christian Andersen1835–1837Dania
003.Boska KomediaDante Alighieri1265-1321Włochy
004.Epos o GilgameszuAutor nieznanyXVII-XVIII p.n.eMezopotamia
005.Księga HiobaAutor nieznany?Izrael
006.MahabharataWjasaIV p.n.e – IV n.e.Indie
007.Saga o NjaluAutor nieznanyXIII wIslandia
008.Baśnie z tysiąca i jednej nocyAutor nieznanyIX wPersja, Indie
009.Duma i uprzedzenieJane Austen1813Wielka Brytania
010.Ojciec GoriotHonoré de Balzac1835Francja
011.Molloy, Malone umiera, Nienazywalne – trylogiaSamuel Beckett1951-1953Irlandia
012.DekameronGiovanni Boccaccio1349-1353Włochy
013.FiccionesJorge Luis Borges1944Argentyna
014.Wichrowe wzgórzaEmily Brontë1847Wielka Brytania
015.ObcyAlbert Camus1942Algieria, Francja
016.WierszePaul Celan1952Rumunia, Francja
017.Podróż do kresu nocyLouis-Ferdinand Céline1932Francja
018.Don Kichot z La ManchyMiguel de Cervantes1605-1616Hiszpania
019.Opowieści kanterberyjskieGeoffrey ChaucerXIV w.Wielka Brytania
020.OpowiadaniaAnton Czechow1886Rosja
021.NostromoJoseph Conrad1904Wielka Brytania
022.Wielkie nadziejeCharles Dickens1861Wielka Brytania
023.Kubuś Fatalista i jego panDenis Diedrot1796Francja
024.Berlin AlexanderplatzAlfred Döblin1926Niemcy
025.Zbrodnia i karaFiodor Dostojewski1866Rosja
026.IdiotaFiodor Dostojewski1869Rosja
027.BiesyFiodor Dostojewski1872Rosja
028.Bracia KaramazowFiodor Dostojewski1880Rosja
029.Miasteczko MiddlemarchGeorge Eliot1871Wielka Brytania
030.Niewidzialny człowiekRalph Ellison1952USA
031.MedeaEurypides431 p.n.e.Grecja
032.Absalomie, Absalomie…William Faulkner1936USA
033.Wściekłość i wrzaskWilliam Faulkner1929USA
034.Pani BovaryGustaw Flaubert1857Francja
035.Szkoła uczućGustaw Flaubert1869Francja
036.Romancero cygańskieFederico García Lorca1928Hiszpania
037.Sto lat samotnościGabriel García Márquez1967Kolumbia
038.Miłość w czasach zarazyGabriel García Márquez1985Kolumbia
039.FaustJohann Wolfgang von Goethe1808Niemcy
040.Martwe duszeNikołaj Gogol1842Rosja
041.Blaszany bębenekGünter Grass1959Niemcy
042.Wielkie pustkowieJoão Guimarães Rosa1956Brazylia
043.GłódKnut Hamsun1890Norwegia
044.Stary człowiek i morzeErnest Hemingway1952USA
045.IliadaHomer850-750 p.n.e.Grecja
046.OdysejaHomerVIII p.n.e.Grecja
047.Nora czyli dom lalkiHenrik Ibsen1879Norwegia
048.UlissesJames Joyce1922Irlandia
049.OpowiadaniaFranz Kafkaprzed 1924Austria
050.ProcesFranz Kafka1925Austria
051.ZamekFranz Kafka1926Austria
052.AbhijñānaśākuntalamKālidāsaI p.n.e. – IV n.e.Indie
053.Głos góryYasunari Kawabata1954Japonia
054.Grek ZorbaNikos Kazantzakis1946Grecja
055.Synowie i kochankowieD. H. Lawrence1913Wielka Brytania
056.NiezależniHalldór Kiljan Laxness1934-1935Islandia
057.WierszeGiacomo Leopardi1818Włochy
058.Złoty notesDoris Lessing1962Wielka Brytania
059.Pippi PończoszankaAstrid Lindgren1945Szwecja
060.A Madman’s DiaryLu Xun1918Chiny
061.Dzieci z naszej ulicyNadżib Mahfuz1959Egipt
062.BuddenbrookowieThomas Mann1901Niemcy
063.Czarodziejska GóraThomas Mann1924Niemcy
064.Moby DickHerman Melville1851USA
065.Próby (eseje)Michel de Montaigne1595Francja
066.La StoriaElsa Morante1974Włochy
067.UmiłowanaToni Morrison1987USA
068.Opowieść o GenjiShikibu MurasakiXI w.Japonia
069.Człowiek bez właściwościRobert Musil1930-1932Austria
070.LolitaVladimir Nabokov1955Rosja, USA
071.Rok 1984George Orwell1949Wielka Brytania
072.MetamorfozyOwidiuszI w.Włochy
073.Księga niepokojuFernando Pessoa1982Portugalia
074.OpowiadaniaEdgar Allan PoeXIX w.USA
075.W poszukiwaniu straconego czasuMarcel Proust1913-1927Francja
076.Gargantua i PantagruelFrançois Rabelais1532-1534Francja
077.Pedro PáramoJuan Rulfo1955Meksyk
078.Masnavi i ManaviRumiXIII w.Persja
079.Dzieci północySalman Rushdie1981Indie, Wielka Brytania
080.BostanSadi z Szirazu1257Persja
081.Sezon migracji na północTayeb_Salih1971Sudan
082.Miasto ślepcówJosé Saramago1995Portugalia
083.HamletWilliam Szekspir1603Wielka Brytania
084.Król LearWilliam Szekspir1608Wielka Brytania
085.OtelloWilliam Szekspir1622Wielka Brytania
086.Król EdypSofokles430 p.n.e.Grecja
087.Czerwone i czarneStendhal1830Francja
088.Życie i myśli JW Pana Tristrama ShandyLaurence Sterne1760Irlandia, Wielka Brytania
089.Zero CosiniItalo Svevo1923Włochy
090.Podróże GuliweraJonathan Swift1726Irlandia, Wielka Brytania
091.Wojna i pokójLew Tołstoj1865-1869Rosja
092.Anna KareninaLew Tołstoj1877Rosja
093.Śmierć Iwana IliczaLew Tołstoj1886Rosja
094.Przygody Hucka FinnaMark Twain1884USA
095.RamajnaWalmikiIII p.n.e. – III n.e.Indie
096.EneidaWergiliusz29 p.n.e. – 19 n.e.Włochy
097.Źdźbła trawyWalt Whitman1855USA
098.Pani DallowayVirginia Woolf1925Wielka Brytania
099.Do latarni morskiejVirginia Woolf1927Wielka Brytania
100.Pamiętniki HadrianaMarguerite Yourcenar1951Francja

This is how long take reading by IVONA TRANLATOR .txt file pdf or rtf

SPEED "4"   (best quality 4 more people)

10kb      =     9min
67kb      =   60min
100kb    =   90min
1000kb  =   900min
5000kb  =   4500min

SPEED "5" (best quality 4 me)

10kb      =     8min
75kb      =   60min
100kb    =   80min
1000kb  =   800min
5000kb  =   4000min

SPEED "6" (to fast but after hear houndreds books u can use to this tempo)

10kb      =     7min
85kb      =   60min
100kb    =   70min
1000kb  =   700min
5000kb  =   3500min

hit list :

Fiodor Dostojewski idiota / Bracia Karamazow
Joseph Conrad Nostromo
Charles Dickens Wielkie nadzieje
Ralph Ellison Niewidzialny człowiek
Herman Melville Moby Dick
Shikibu Murasaki Opowieść o Genji
Fernando Pessoa Księga niepokoju
José Saramago Miasto ślepców
Lew Tołstoj Anna Karenina
Virginia Woolf Do latarni morskiej

Below books witch HBO will use to create next three seasons.

All these books "weight" 5.1mb (A storm of sword only second part
 because first part was used in third season) So if U want to know what
happend next u need save 75 hours (if you use IVONA reader speed 4)
Take one free week (7 days) and you are done ;)

A Storm of Swords 2 part
A Feast for Crows 
A Dance with Dragons
 5.1mb   (all weight in txt file)

for example few book from famous writers :

Chandler Raymond - Woman on the lake       100kb     (txt)
Woolf Virginia - My own room                      120kb     (txt)
Aleksander Dumas - camelia ...                      127kb     (txt)
Albert Camus - Alien                                     150kb     (txt)

btw. ... a middle book "weight" in kb (txt)   =   300kb - 500kb

My measure based only on txt file ( no pdf or rtf)

last three toms "weight" 5.1mb + first A Clash of Kings and A Game of Thrones ( about 4mb)
all series weight about 10mb ... so this is like 100 Chandler Raymond books - woow 



BY CHARLES BUKOWSKI    Flower, Fist and Bes­ti­al Wa­il (1960) Po­ems and Dra­wings (1962) Longs­hot Po­mes for Bro­ke Pla­yers (1962) Run with the Hun­ted (1962) It Catc­hes My He­art in Its Hands (1963) Cru­ci­fix in a De­ath­hand (1965) Cold Dogs in the Co­urt­yard (1965) Con­fes­si­ons of a Man In­sa­ne Eno­ugh to Li­ve with Be­asts (1965) The Ge­ni­us of the Crowd (1966) All the As­sho­les in the World and Mi­ne (1966) 2byBu­kows­ki (1967) The Cur­ta­ins Are Wa­ving (1967) At Ter­ror Stre­et and Agony Way (1968) Po­ems Writ­ten Be­fo­re Jum­ping Out of an 8 Story Win­dow (1968) No­tes of a Dirty Old Man (1969) A Bu­kows­ki Samp­ler (1969) The Days Run Away Li­ke Wild Hor­ses Over the Hills (1969) Fi­re Sta­ti­on (1970) Post Of­fi­ce (1971) Moc­king­bird Wish Me Luck (1972) Erec­ti­ons, Ej­acu­la­ti­ons, Ex­hi­bi­ti­ons and Ge­ne­ral Ta­les of Or­di­nary Mad­ness (1972) Me and Yo­ur So­me­ti­mes Lo­ve Po­ems (1972) Whi­le the Mu­sic Pla­yed (1973) So­uth of No North (1973) Bur­ning in Wa­ter, Drow­ning in Fla­me (1974) Af­ri­ca, Pa­ris, Gre­ece (1975) Fac­to­tum (1975) Scar­let (1976) May­be To­mor­row (1977) Lo­ve is a Dog from Hell (1977) You Kis­sed Lilly (1978) We'll Ta­ke Them (1978) Wo­men (1978) Play the Pi­ano (1979)

    copyright © 1971 by Char­les Bu­kows­ki

William Wharton (7 November 1925 – 29 October 2008), the pen name of the author Albert William Du Aime (pronounced as doo-EM), was an American-born author best known for his first novel Birdy, which was also successful as a film.

  • 1978 • Birdy
  • 1981 • Dad
  • 1982 • A Midnight Clear
  • 1984 • Scumbler
  • 1985 • Pride
  • 1987 • Tidings
  • 1989 • Franky Furbo
  • 1991 • Last Lovers
  • 1994 • Wrongful Deaths (memoir)
  • 1996 • Houseboat on Seine (memoir)
The following titles only published in Polish - includes English translation of title
  • 1998 • Historie rodzinne - Say Uncle
  • 1999 • Al (sequel to Birdy) - Al (subtitle) Worth Trying (?)
  • 1999 • William Wharton - Album (reproductions of paintings)
  • 1999 • Opowieści z Moulin du Bruit - Tales of the Moulin Du Bruit
  • 1999 • Szrapnel - Shrapnel
  • 2000 • Tam, gdzie spotykają się wszystkie światy - Beyond the Closet
  • 2001 • Niedobre miejsce - A Hard Place
  • 2001 • Nigdy, nigdy mnie nie złapiecie - Nyah, Nyah, You Can't Catch Me
  • 2002 • Nie ustawaj w biegu - Run, Run, Run
  • 2003 • Rubio - (roughly 'fair-haired' or blonde - from Spanish)

Jerzy Kosiński (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjɛʐɨ kɔˈɕiɲskʲi]; June 14, 1933 – May 3, 1991), bornJózef Lewinkopf, was an award-winning Polish American novelist, and two-time President of the American Chapter of P.E.N.
He was known for various novels, among them The Painted Bird (1965) and Being There (1971). Being There was adapted as an Academy Award-winning film in 1979
  • The Future Is Ours, Comrade: Conversations with the Russians (1960), published under thepseudonym "Joseph Novak"
  • No Third Path (1962), published under the pseudonym "Joseph Novak"
  • The Painted Bird (1965)
  • The Art of the Self: Essays à propos Steps (1968)
  • Steps (1968)
  • Being There (1970)
  • The Devil Tree (1973, revised & expanded 1982)
  • Cockpit (1975)
  • Blind Date (1977)
  • Passion Play (1979)
  • Pinball (1982)
  • The Hermit of 69th Street (1988)
  • Passing By: Selected Essays, 1962–1991 (1992)

Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaˈβɾjel ɡaɾˈsia ˈmaɾkes]; born March 6, 1927)[1] is a Colombiannovelist, short-story writer, screenwriter and journalist, known affectionately as Gabo throughout Latin America. Considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century, he was awarded the 1972Neustadt International Prize for Literature and the 1982 Nobel Prize in Literature, and is the earliest remaining living recipient.1 He pursued a self-directed education that resulted in his leaving law school for a career in journalism. From early on, he showed no inhibitions in his criticism of Colombian and foreign politics. In 1958, he married Mercedes Barcha; they have two sons, Rodrigo and Gonzalo.
He started as a journalist, and has written many acclaimed non-fiction works and short stories, but is best known for his novels, such as One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) and Love in the Time of Cholera(1985). His works have achieved significant critical acclaim and widespread commercial success, most notably for popularizing a literary style labeled as magic realism, which uses magical elements and events in otherwise ordinary and realistic situations. Some of his works are set in a fictional village called Macondo(the town mainly inspired by his birthplace Aracataca), and most of them express the theme of solitude.

Albert Camus (French: [albɛʁ kamy] ( listen); 7 November 1913 – 4 January 1960) was a French pied-noir author, journalist, and philosopher. His views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. He wrote in his essay "The Rebel" that his whole life was devoted to opposing the philosophy of nihilism while still delving deeply into individual freedom. Although often cited as a proponent of existentialism, the philosophy with which Camus was associated during his own lifetime, he rejected this particular label.[2] In an interview in 1945, Camus rejected any ideological associations: "No, I am not an existentialist. Sartre and I are always surprised to see our names linked..."[3]
In 1949, Camus founded the Group for International Liaisons within the Revolutionary Union Movement after his split with Garry Davis' movement Citizens of the World, of which the surrealist André Breton was also a member.[4] The formation of this group, according to Camus, was to "denounce two ideologies found in both the USSR and the USA" regarding their idolatry of technology.[5]
Camus was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize for Literature "for his important literary production, which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human conscience in our times".[6] He was the second-youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, after Rudyard Kipling, and the first African-born writer to receive the award.[7] He is the shortest-lived of any Nobel literature laureate to date, having died in an automobile accident just over two years after receiving the award.
  • The Stranger (L'Étranger, often translated as The Outsider) (1942)
  • The Plague (La Peste) (1947)
  • The Fall (La Chute) (1956)
  • A Happy Death (La Mort heureuse) (written 1936–1938, published posthumously 1971)
  • The First Man (Le premier homme) (incomplete, published posthumously 1995)

Aldous Leonard Huxley (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and one of the most prominent members of the famous Huxley family. Best known for his novels including Brave New World and a wide-ranging output of essays, Huxley also edited the magazineOxford Poetry, and published short stories, poetry, travel writing, film stories and scripts. Huxley spent the later part of his life in the United States, living in Los Angeles from 1937 until his death.
Aldous Huxley was a humanistpacifist, and satirist, and he was latterly interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology and philosophical mysticism.[1][2] He is also well known for advocating and takingpsychedelics.
By the end of his life Huxley was widely acknowledged as one of the pre-eminent intellectuals of his time and respected as an important researcher into visual communication and sight-related theories as well.[3]

Raymond Thornton Chandler (July 23, 1888 – March 26, 1959) was an American novelist and screenwriter.
In 1932, at age forty-four, Raymond Chandler decided to become a detective fiction writer after losing his job as an oil company executive during the Depression. His first short story, "Blackmailers Don't Shoot", was published in 1933 in Black Mask, a popular pulp magazine. His first novel, The Big Sleep, was published in 1939. In addition to his short stories, Chandler published just seven full novels during his lifetime (though an eighth in progress at his death was completed by Robert B. Parker). All but Playback have been realized into motion pictures, some several times. In the year before he died, he was elected president of the Mystery Writers of America. He died on March 26, 1959, in La Jolla, California.[3]
Chandler had an immense stylistic influence on American popular literature, and is considered by many to be a founder, along with Dashiell HammettJames M. Cain and other Black Mask writers, of the hard-boiledschool of detective fiction. His protagonistPhilip Marlowe, along with Hammett's Sam Spade, is considered by some to be synonymous with "private detective," both having been played on screen by Humphrey Bogart, whom many considered to be the quintessential Marlowe.

James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist and poet, considered to be one of the most influential writers in themodernist avant-garde of the early 20th century. Joyce is best known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work in which the episodes of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in an array of contrasting literary styles, perhaps most prominently the stream of consciousness technique he perfected. Other major works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939). His complete oeuvre includes three books of poetry, a play, occasional journalism, and his published letters.
Joyce was born to a middle class family in Dublin, where he excelled as a student at the Jesuit schoolsClongowes and Belvedere, then at University College Dublin. In his early twenties he emigrated permanently to continental Europe, living in TriesteParis and Zurich. Though most of his adult life was spent abroad, Joyce's fictional universe does not extend beyond Dublin, and is populated largely by characters who closely resemble family members, enemies and friends from his time there; Ulysses in particular is set with precision in the streets and alleyways of the city. Shortly after the publication of Ulysses he elucidated this preoccupation somewhat, saying, "For myself, I always write about Dublin, because if I can get to the heart of Dublin I can get to the heart of all the cities of the world. In the particular is contained the universal."[1]

Adeline Virginia Woolf (/ˈwʊlf/; 25 January 1882 – 28 March 1941) was an English writer, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century.
During the interwar period, Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of theBloomsbury Group. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse(1927) and Orlando (1928), and the book-length essay A Room of One's Own (1929), with its famous dictum, "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction."

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OMFRS[1] (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British philosopherlogician,mathematicianhistorian, and social critic.[2] At various points in his life he considered himself a liberal, asocialist, and a pacifist, but he also admitted that he had never been any of these in any profound sense.[3]He was born in Monmouthshire, into one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain.[4]
Russell led the British "revolt against idealism" in the early 20th century. He is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his predecessor Gottlob Frege and his protégé Ludwig Wittgenstein. He is widely held to be one of the 20th century's premier logicians.[2] He co-authored, with A. N. WhiteheadPrincipia Mathematica, an attempt to ground mathematics on logic. His philosophical essay "On Denoting" has been considered a "paradigm of philosophy."[5] His work has had a considerable influence on logicmathematicsset theorylinguisticscomputer science (see type theory and type system), and philosophy, especially philosophy of languageepistemology, and metaphysics.
Russell was a prominent anti-war activist; he championed anti-imperialism[6][7] and went to prison for his pacifism during World War I.[8] Later, he campaigned against Adolf Hitler, then criticised Stalinisttotalitarianism, attacked the United States of America's involvement in the Vietnam War, and was an outspoken proponent of nuclear disarmament.[9] In 1950 Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought."[10]

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish writer and poet. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. Today he is remembered for his epigrams and plays, and the circumstances of his imprisonment which was followed by his early death.
Wilde's parents were successful Dublin intellectuals. Their son became fluent in French and German early in life. At university Wilde read Greats; he proved himself to be an outstanding classicist, first at Dublin, then atOxford. He became known for his involvement in the rising philosophy of aestheticism, led by two of his tutors, Walter Pater and John Ruskin. After university, Wilde moved to London into fashionable cultural and social circles. As a spokesman for aestheticism, he tried his hand at various literary activities: he published a book of poems, lectured in the United States and Canada on the new "English Renaissance in Art", and then returned to London where he worked prolifically as a journalist. Known for his biting wit, flamboyant dress, and glittering conversation, Wilde had become one of the most well-known personalities of his day.
At the turn of the 1890s, he refined his ideas about the supremacy of art in a series of dialogues and essays, and incorporated themes of decadence, duplicity, and beauty into his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890). The opportunity to construct aesthetic details precisely, and combine them with larger social themes, drew Wilde to write drama. He wrote Salome (1891) in French in Paris but it was refused a licence. Unperturbed, Wilde produced four society comedies in the early 1890s, which made him one of the most successful playwrights of late Victorian London.
At the height of his fame and success, while his masterpiece, The Importance of Being Earnest (1895), was still on stage in London, Wilde had the Marquess of Queensberry, the father of his lover, Lord Alfred Douglas, prosecuted for libel, a charge carrying a penalty of up to two years in prison. The trial unearthed evidence that caused Wilde to drop his charges and led to his own arrest and trial for gross indecency with other men. After two more trials he was convicted and imprisoned for two years' hard labour. In prison he wrote De Profundis (written in 1897 and published in 1905), a long letter which discusses his spiritual journey through his trials, forming a dark counterpoint to his earlier philosophy of pleasure. Upon his release he left immediately for France, never to return to Ireland or Britain. There he wrote his last work, The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1898), a long poem commemorating the harsh rhythms of prison life. He died destitute in Paris at the age of forty-six.

John Griffith "Jack" London (born John Griffith Chaney,[1] January 12, 1876 – November 22, 1916)[2][3][4][5] was an American author, journalist, and social activist. He was a pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction and was one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone.[6] He is best remembered as the author of The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both set in the Klondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories "To Build a Fire", "An Odyssey of the North", and "Love of Life".[citation needed] He also wrote of the South Pacific in such stories as "The Pearls of Parlay" and "The Heathen", and of the San Francisco Bay area in The Sea Wolf.
London was a passionate advocate of unionization, socialism, and the rights of workers and wrote several powerful works dealing with these topics such as his dystopian novel, The Iron Heel and his non-fiction exposé, The People of the Abyss.

Khaled Hosseini (Persianخالد حسینی‎ [ˈxɒled hoˈsejni]/ˈhɑːlɛd hˈsni/;[1] born March 4, 1965), is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician.[2][3] He is a citizen of the United Stateswhere he has lived since he was fifteen years old. His 2003 debut novelThe Kite Runner, was an international bestseller, with the paperback spending 101 weeks on the bestseller list (#1 for 4 of those weeks).[4] His second, A Thousand Splendid Suns, was released on May 22, 2007.[5] A Thousand Splendid Suns has spent 21 weeks on The New York Times Best Seller list for paperback fiction[6] and 49 weeks onThe New York Times Best Seller list for hardcover fiction (#1 for 15 of those weeks).[7] The two novels have sold more than 38 million copies internationally.

Franz Kafka[a] (3 July 1883 – 3 June 1924) was an influential German-language writer of novels and short stories, regarded by critics as one of the most influential authors of the 20th century. Kafka was a Modernist and heavily influenced other genres, including existentialism. His works, such as "Die Verwandlung" ("The Metamorphosis"), Der Process (The Trial), and Das Schloss (The Castle), are filled with the themes and archetypes of alienation, physical and psychological brutality, parent-child conflict, characters on a terrifying quest, and mystical transformations.
Kafka was born into a middle-class, German-speaking Jewish family in Prague, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and trained as a lawyer. After completing his legal education, Kafka obtained employment with an insurance company. He began to write short stories in his spare time, and for the rest of his life complained about the little time he had to devote to what he came to regard as his calling. He also regretted having to devote so much attention to his Brotberuf ("day job", literally "bread job"). Kafka preferred to communicate by letter; he wrote hundreds of letters to family and close female friends, includinghis father, his fiancée Felice Bauer, and his youngest sister Ottla. He had a complicated and troubled relationship with his father that had a major impact on his writing, and he was conflicted over his Jewishness and felt it had little to do with him, although it heavily influenced his writing.
Only a few of Kafka's works were published during his lifetime: the story collections Betrachtung(Contemplation) and Ein Landarzt (A Country Doctor), and individual stories (such as "Die Verwandlung") in literary magazines. He prepared the story collection Ein Hungerkünstler (A Hunger Artist) for print, but it was not published until after his death. Kafka's unfinished works, including his novels Der ProcessDas Schlossand Amerika (also known as Der VerscholleneThe Man Who Disappeared), were published posthumously, mostly by his friend Max Brod who ignored Kafka's wish to have the manuscripts destroyed. Albert Camusand Jean-Paul Sartre are among the writers influenced by Kafka's work; the term Kafkaesque has entered the English language to describe surreal situations like those in his writing.

Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, (French pronunciation: [mɔ'ljɛʁ] ; baptised January 15, 1622 – February 17, 1673) was a French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature.[1] Among Molière's best-known works are Le Misanthrope (The Misanthrope), L'École des femmes (The School for Wives),Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur, (Tartuffe or the Imposter), L'Avare (The Miser), Le Malade imaginaire (The Imaginary Invalid), and Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (The Bourgeois Gentleman).
Born into a prosperous family and having studied at the Collège de Clermont (now Lycée Louis-le-Grand), Molière was well suited to begin a life in the theatre. Thirteen years as an itinerant actor helped him polish his comic abilities while he began writing, combining Commedia dell'arte elements with the more refined French comedy.[2]
Through the patronage of a few aristocrats, including Philippe I, Duke of Orléans – the brother of Louis XIV – Molière procured a command performance before the King at the Louvre. Performing a classic play byPierre Corneille and a farce of his own, Le Docteur amoureux (The Doctor in Love), Molière was granted the use of salle du Petit-Bourbon near the Louvre, a spacious room appointed for theatrical performances. Later, Molière was granted the use of the Palais-Royal. In both locations he found success among the Parisians with plays such as Les Précieuses ridicules (The Affected Ladies), L'École des maris (The School for Husbands) and L'École des femmes (The School for Wives). This royal favor brought a royal pension to his troupe and the title "Troupe du Roi" (The King's Troupe). Molière continued as the official author of court entertainments.[3]
Though he received the adulation of the court and Parisians, Molière's satires attracted criticisms from moralists and the Roman Catholic Church. Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur (Tartuffe or the Hypocrite) and its attack on religious hypocrisy roundly received condemnations from the Church, while Dom Juan was banned from performance. Molière's hard work in so many theatrical capacities began to take its toll on his health and, by 1667, he was forced to take a break from the stage. In 1673, during a production of his final play, Le Malade imaginaire (The Imaginary Invalid), Molière, who suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis, was seized by a coughing fit and a haemorrhage while playing the hypochondriac Argan. He finished the performance but collapsed again and died a few hours later.[3]
  • Le Médecin volant (1645) -- The Flying Doctor
  • La Jalousie du barbouillé (1650)
  • L'Étourdi ou Les Contretemps (1655) -- The Blunderer
  • Le Dépit amoureux (December 16, 1656)
  • Le Docteur amoureux (1658), the first play performed by Molière's troupe for Louis XIV (now lost) -- The Doctor in Love
  • Les Précieuses ridicules (November 18, 1659) -- The Affected Young Ladies
  • Sganarelle ou Le Cocu imaginaire (May 28, 1660) -- Sganarelle, or the Imaginary Cuckold
  • Dom Garcie de Navarre ou Le Prince jaloux (February 4, 1661) -- Don Garcia of Navarre or the Jealous Prince
  • L'École des maris (June 24, 1661) -- The School for Husbands
  • Les Fâcheux (August 17, 1661) -- The Mad
  • L'École des femmes (December 26, 1662; adapted into The Amorous Flea, 1964) -- The School for Wives
  • La Jalousie du Gros-René (April 15, 1663)
  • La Critique de l'école des femmes (June 1, 1663) -- Critique of the School for Wives
  • L'Impromptu de Versailles (October 14, 1663)
  • Le Mariage forcé (January 29, 1664) -- The Forced Marriage
  • Gros-René, petit enfant (April 27, 1664; now lost)
  • La Princesse d'Élide (May 8, 1664) -- The Princess of Elid
  • Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur (May 12, 1664) -- Tartuffe
  • Dom Juan ou Le Festin de pierre (February 15, 1665)
  • L'Amour médecin (September 15, 1665) -- Love Is the Doctor
  • Le Misanthrope ou L'Atrabilaire amoureux (June 4, 1666) -- The Misanthrope
  • Le Médecin malgré lui (August 6, 1666) -- The Doctor in Spite of Himself
  • Mélicerte (December 2, 1666)
  • Pastorale comique (January 5, 1667)
  • Le Sicilien ou L'Amour peintre (February 14, 1667) -- The Sicilian, or Love the Painter
  • Amphitryon (January 13, 1668)
  • George Dandin ou Le Mari confondu (July 18, 1668) -- George Dandin, or the Abashed Husband
  • L'Avare ou L'École du mensonge (September 9, 1668) -- The Miser
  • Monsieur de Pourceaugnac (October 6, 1669)
  • Les Amants magnifiques (February 4, 1670) -- The Magnificent Lovers
  • Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (October 14, 1670) -- The Bourgeois Gentleman
  • Psyché (January 17, 1671) -- Psyche
  • Les Fourberies de Scapin (May 24, 1671)
  • La Comtesse d'Escarbagnas (December 2, 1671)
  • Les Femmes savantes (March 11, 1672) -- The Learned Ladies
  • Le Malade imaginaire (February 10, 1673) -- The Imaginary Invalid

Alberto Moravia, born Alberto Pincherle (November 28, 1907 – September 26, 1990) was an Italian novelist and journalist. His novels explored matters of modern sexualitysocial alienation, and existentialism.
He is best known for his debut novel Gli indifferenti (published in 1929), and for the anti-fascist novel Il Conformista (The Conformist), the basis for the film The Conformist (1970) by Bernardo Bertolucci. Other novels of his translated to the cinema are Il Disprezzo (A Ghost at Noon or Contempt) filmed by Jean-Luc Godard as Le Mépris (Contempt) (1963); La Noia (Boredom), filmed with that title by Damiano Damiani in 1963 and released in the US as The Empty Canvas in 1964; and La Ciociara filmed by Vittorio de Sica asTwo Women (1960). Cedric Kahn's L'Ennui (1998) is another version of La Noia. He was an atheist.[1]

William Shakespeare (26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616)[nb 1] was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.[1] He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon".[2][nb 2] His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays,[nb 3] 154 sonnets, two longnarrative poems, two epitaphs on a man named John Combe, one epitaph on Elias James, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.[3]
Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing companycalled the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613 at age 49, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare's private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his physical appearancesexuality,religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.[4]
Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613.[5][nb 4] His early plays were mainlycomedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including HamletKing LearOthello, andMacbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English language. In his last phase, he wrotetragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.
Many of his plays were published in editions of varying quality and accuracy during his lifetime. In 1623, two of his former theatrical colleagues published the First Folio, a collected edition of his dramatic works that included all but two of the plays now recognised as Shakespeare's.
Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".[6]In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed, and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world.

Lost plays

Michaił Afanasjewicz Bułhakow (ros. Михаил Афанасьевич Булгаков, ur. 15 maja [3 maja ss] 1891 w Kijowie, zm. 10 marca 1940 w Moskwie) – rosyjski pisarz.


  • Biała gwardia (Белая ГвардияBiełaja Gwardija), 1922-1924 (wyd. niepełne na łamach "Rossiji" 1925, pełne 1966)
  • Powieść teatralna (Театральный романTieatraĺnyj roman)
  • Mistrz i Małgorzata (Мастер и МаргаритаMastier i Margarita), 1928-1930 i 1932 (wyd. niepełne na łamach "Moskwy" 1966-1967, pełne 1968)


Sztuki teatralne

Platongr. Πλάτων, Plátōn (ur. 427 p.n.e. prawdopodobnie w Atenach (według niektórych świadectw na wyspie Eginie), zm. 347 p.n.e. w Atenach) (inne źródła podają, że żył 428-348 p.n.e.) – grecki filozof. Był twórcą systemu filozoficznego zwanego obecnie idealizmem platońskim.

Sokrates (gr. Σωκράτης, ur. ok. 470 p.n.e. w Atenach, zm. w 399 p.n.e. w Atenach) – greckifilozof starożytny. Jest on, obok Platona i Arystotelesa uważany za największego filozofa starożytności. Z tego powodu wcześniejsza filozofia nazywana jest filozofią przedsokratejską.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (play /ˈnə/;[42] German: [ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈniːt͡sʃə]; October 15, 1844 – August 25, 1900) was a German philosopherpoetcomposercultural critic, and classical philologist. He wrote critical texts on religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy, and science, displaying a fondness for metaphorirony, and aphorism.
Nietzsche's key ideas include the "death of God", the Übermensch, the eternal recurrence, the Apollonian and Dionysian dichotomy, perspectivism, and the will to power. Central to his philosophy is the idea of "life-affirmation", which involves questioning of all doctrines that drain life's expansive energies, however socially prevalent and radical those views might be.[43] His influence remains substantial within philosophy, notably in existentialismpost-modernism, and post-structuralism, as well as outside it. His radical questioning of the value and objectivity of truth has been the focus of extensive commentary, especially in the continentaltradition.
Nietzsche began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. In 1869, at the age of twenty-four he was appointed to the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel (the youngest individual to have held this position), but resigned in the summer of 1879 due to health problems that plagued him most of his life.[44] At the age of forty-five in 1889 he suffered a collapse and a complete loss of his mental faculties. The breakdown had been ascribed to atypical general paralysis attributed to tertiary syphilis, but this diagnosis has since come into question.[45] He lived his remaining years in the care of his mother until her death in 1897, then under the care of his sister until his death in 1900.
His sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche, acted as curator and editor of Nietzsche's manuscripts during his illness. She was married to a prominent German nationalist and antisemiteBernhard Förster, and she reworked some of Nietzsche's unpublished writings to fit her husband's ideology, often in ways contrary to Nietzsche's opinions, which were strongly and explicitly opposed to antisemitism and nationalism (seeNietzsche's criticism of anti-Semitism and nationalism). Through Förster-Nietzsche's editions, Nietzsche's name became associated with German militarism and Nazism, but twentieth century scholars have worked hard to counteract the abuse of Nietzsche's philosophy by this ideology and rediscover the original writings of Nietzsche, unedited by his sister.

Charles Robert DarwinFRS (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist.[I] He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors,[1] and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the artificial selection involved in selective breeding.[2]